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SKU: 087114
- 16MHz Clock Rate
- 16MHz Clock Rate
Usually ships in 5-7 business days. Limited availability. May not be in stock at time of order. No back orders.Our price $48.99 -
Usually ships in 5-7 business days.Our price $27.99
SKU: 190967
- ATmega328P Microcontroller
- ATmega328P Microcontroller
Usually ships in 5-7 business days.Our price $76.99 -
SKU: 900852
- Heartbeat Sensor
- Temperature Sensor
- IR Receiver
- Touch Sensor
- Heartbeat Sensor
- Temperature Sensor
- IR Receiver
Usually ships in 5-7 business days.Our price $36.99 -
Usually ships in 5-7 business days. Limited availability. May not be in stock at time of order. No back orders.Our price $22.49
Usually ships in 5-7 business days. Limited availability. May not be in stock at time of order. No back orders.Our price $9.99
SKU: 422261
- 16MHz Clock Rate
- 32KB Flash Memory
- ATmega32u4 Microcontroller
- 16MHz Clock Rate
- 32KB Flash Memory
Usually ships in 5-7 business days.Our price $15.99 -
Usually ships in 5-7 business days.Our price $29.99
Usually ships in 5-7 business days. Limited availability. May not be in stock at time of order. No back orders.Our price $59.99
SKU: 027441
- ATmega32u4 Microcontroller
- 32KB Flash Memory
- ATmega32u4 Microcontroller
- 32KB Flash Memory
Usually ships in 5-7 business days.Our price $9.99 -
SKU: 086785
- 16MHz Clock Rate
- 32KB Flash Memory
- ATmega328P Microcontroller
- 16MHz Clock Rate
- 32KB Flash Memory
Usually ships in 5-7 business days.Our price $28.99 -
Usually ships in 5-7 business days. Limited availability. May not be in stock at time of order. No back orders.Our price $63.99
Usually ships in 5-7 business days.Our price $14.99
Usually ships in 5-7 business days. Limited availability. May not be in stock at time of order. No back orders.Our price $59.99
Usually ships in 5-7 business days.Our price $24.99
Usually ships in 5-7 business days.Our price $7.99
SKU: 052043
- 256KB Flash Memory
- 256KB Flash Memory
Usually ships in 5-7 business days.Our price $59.99 -
Usually ships in 5-7 business days. Limited availability. May not be in stock at time of order. No back orders.Our price $7.99
Usually ships in 5-7 business days. Limited availability. May not be in stock at time of order. No back orders.Our price $114.99
Usually ships in 5-7 business days. Limited availability. May not be in stock at time of order. No back orders.Our price $89.99
Usually ships in 5-7 business days. Limited availability. May not be in stock at time of order. No back orders.Our price $4.99
Usually ships in 5-7 business days. Limited availability. May not be in stock at time of order. No back orders.Our price $14.95
Usually ships in 5-7 business days. Limited availability. May not be in stock at time of order. No back orders.Our price $29.99
SKU: 030189
- 16MHz Clock Rate
- 32KBFlash Memory
- 16MHz Clock Rate
- 32KBFlash Memory
Usually ships in 5-7 business days.Our price $9.99
Special Offers / Advertisements
'name': 'Mega 2560 REV3 - 256KB (8KB after bootloader) Flash Memory',
'id': '621387',
'price': '48.99',
'brand': 'Arduino',
'category': 'Boards/Projects|734',
'list': 'Search Results',
'position': 1
'name': 'Uno R4 WiFi - ABX00087',
'id': '668288',
'price': '27.99',
'brand': 'Arduino',
'category': 'Boards/Projects|734',
'list': 'Search Results',
'position': 2
'name': 'Student Kit - 32KB Flash Memory',
'id': '629769',
'price': '76.99',
'brand': 'Arduino',
'category': 'Boards/Projects|734',
'list': 'Search Results',
'position': 3
'name': '37 Assorted Sensors Kit - For Arduino and Raspberry Pi',
'id': '603752',
'price': '36.99',
'brand': 'Inland',
'category': 'Boards/Projects|734',
'list': 'Search Results',
'position': 4
'name': 'BME680 - Temperature, Humidity, Pressure and Gas Sensor',
'id': '613619',
'price': '22.49',
'brand': 'Adafruit Industries',
'category': 'Boards/Projects|734',
'list': 'Search Results',
'position': 5
'name': 'ESP32-WROOM-32D Module',
'id': '613822',
'price': '9.99',
'brand': 'Inland',
'category': 'Boards/Projects|734',
'list': 'Search Results',
'position': 6
'name': 'ATmega32u4 Dev Board',
'id': '486547',
'price': '15.99',
'brand': 'Inland',
'category': 'Boards/Projects|734',
'list': 'Search Results',
'position': 7
'name': 'Arduino Compatible Basic Starter Kit',
'id': '486800',
'price': '29.99',
'brand': 'Inland',
'category': 'Boards/Projects|734',
'list': 'Search Results',
'position': 8
'name': 'Arduino Basics Starter Kit Includes Arduino UNO',
'id': '458411',
'price': '59.99',
'brand': 'Leo Sales Ltd.',
'category': 'Boards/Projects|734',
'list': 'Search Results',
'position': 9
'name': 'PRO MICRO Development Board Arduino Compatible',
'id': '613815',
'price': '9.99',
'brand': 'Inland',
'category': 'Boards/Projects|734',
'list': 'Search Results',
'position': 10
'name': 'UNO Rev3',
'id': '618839',
'price': '28.99',
'brand': 'Arduino',
'category': 'Boards/Projects|734',
'list': 'Search Results',
'position': 11
'name': 'Giga Display Shield',
'id': '674421',
'price': '63.99',
'brand': 'Arduino',
'category': 'Boards/Projects|734',
'list': 'Search Results',
'position': 12
'name': '16 x 2 LCD Display and Keypad Shield',
'id': '613554',
'price': '14.99',
'brand': 'Leo Sales Ltd.',
'category': 'Boards/Projects|734',
'list': 'Search Results',
'position': 13
'name': 'Smart Home Kit w/ PLUS Board',
'id': '632699',
'price': '59.99',
'brand': 'Inland',
'category': 'Boards/Projects|734',
'list': 'Search Results',
'position': 14
'name': 'Nano',
'id': '641499',
'price': '24.99',
'brand': 'Arduino',
'category': 'Boards/Projects|734',
'list': 'Search Results',
'position': 15
'name': 'ESP-01 USB to ESP8266 Wireless Adapter Module',
'id': '615098',
'price': '7.99',
'brand': 'Inland',
'category': 'Boards/Projects|734',
'list': 'Search Results',
'position': 16
'name': 'Super Starter Kit with Mega 2560R3 for Arduino - 16MHz Clock Rate',
'id': '617047',
'price': '59.99',
'brand': 'Inland',
'category': 'Boards/Projects|734',
'list': 'Search Results',
'position': 17
'name': 'HR-SR04 Blue Ultrasonic Module - 3 Pack',
'id': '613881',
'price': '7.99',
'brand': 'Inland',
'category': 'Boards/Projects|734',
'list': 'Search Results',
'position': 18
'name': 'Nicla Vision',
'id': '649050',
'price': '114.99',
'brand': 'Arduino',
'category': 'Boards/Projects|734',
'list': 'Search Results',
'position': 19
'name': '201 Arduino Basics Kit',
'id': '458410',
'price': '89.99',
'brand': 'Leo Sales Ltd.',
'category': 'Boards/Projects|734',
'list': 'Search Results',
'position': 20
'name': 'Nano Shield Board w/ Power Switch',
'id': '632701',
'price': '4.99',
'brand': 'Inland',
'category': 'Boards/Projects|734',
'list': 'Search Results',
'position': 21
'name': 'ADS1115 16-Bit ADC - 4 Channel with Programmable Gain Amplifier',
'id': '613714',
'price': '14.95',
'brand': 'Adafruit Industries',
'category': 'Boards/Projects|734',
'list': 'Search Results',
'position': 22
'name': 'Ethernet Shield 2',
'id': '656106',
'price': '29.99',
'brand': 'Arduino',
'category': 'Boards/Projects|734',
'list': 'Search Results',
'position': 23
'name': 'Nano Development Board Arduino Compatible',
'id': '615097',
'price': '9.99',
'brand': 'Inland',
'category': 'Boards/Projects|734',
'list': 'Search Results',
'position': 24