How to copy and paste in Windows

Windows contains a built in feature to take a portion of text and transpose that text in a separate location without affecting the original content. This is known as a copy and paste. This guide will show how to copy a portion of text and paste it into a different location.

  1. Open the source and destination of the text to be copied.
    Source Text Example, Destination Example
  2. Highlight the desired text.
    Hilighted Text
  3. Right-click on the highlighted text and select Copy (or press Ctrl + C on the keyboard) to copy the text to your Windows clipboard.
    Hilighted Text, Copy
  4. Move the cursor to the desired destination.
    Source Text Example, Destination Example
  5. Right-click and select Paste (or press Ctrl + V on the keyboard) to add the text to its new location.
    Source Text Example, Destination Text Pasted Example

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