How to troubleshoot DNS Errors

Description: Sometimes a computer will inform the user that it is having a DNS error and can't connect to the internet. Flushing the DNS can often fix this.

  1. Hold down the Windows key and select the R key once to open the Run window.
    CTRL and ALT keys  R key
    Windows Run Box
  2. Type cmd into the space there and select OK. This will open the Command Prompt window.
    CMD in Run Box src=
  3. In that window, type ipconfig /flushdns and select the Enter key.
    Windows Command Prompt
  4. Once that's done, type ipconfig /release and select the Enter key.
    Windows Command Prompt
  5. Then type ipconfig /renew and select the Enter key.
    Windows Command Prompt
  6. Then type exit and tap Enter. You have now reset the DNS.

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